The Big List of Mobile Apps for iPhone: Map and Travel Edition

One of the big benefits of running a small business with a mobile device, in this case an iPhone, is that it can add direction to your life. We don’t mean goals or purpose; we mean it can literally tell you where to go and how to get there.

The Apple App Store offers loads of travel and navigation apps that can save the day when you’re rushing from one business client to the next. Our sister site,, provides information on dozens of them in a comprehensive list. Check it out, and you’ll be ready to hit the road — and with these mobile apps on board, you’ll handle every curve.

R.E.M. released one of the best songs of the ’80s, “Can’t Get There From Here”, around the same time the first Back To The Future movie hit theaters. That film and its sequels presented the then distant future of 2015 as a time of flying skateboards and automobiles.

With 2011 just around the corner, it is safe to assume those particular modes of transportation are still quite a few years – if not decades – away. Even so, there are plenty of ways today’s technology makes it a lot easier to, if not get there from here, then at least map out how to get there from wherever here happens to be.

Read the complete article: Mobile App Guide: Nifty Navigation and Travel iPhone Apps

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