If you want good results from a survey, it pays to start with a form that’s easy for your target audience to fill out. Word 2007 makes it easy for you to create a straightforward survey, and Helen Bradley, our Microsoft Office small business software expert, walks you through the process. WinPlanet has the full tutorial.
Most of us are very familiar with surveys because we have completed them from time to time. We know how to fill them in and we have experienced both good and bad surveys — some are cumbersome to complete while others are very simple and straightforward.
When it comes time to create your own surveys, your should plan to create a survey that is functional and easy to complete. In this article I’ll show you how to create such a survey in Microsoft Word 2007. This can be completed easily inside Word, and it’s handy to use when you know your survey participants have access to Word.
Read the complete Create Survey Forms in Word 2007 article
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