Marketing Tips: How to Sell Misunderstood Products

Andrew Lock

How do you market a product of service that’s routinely misunderstood by your target customer? In his latest episode of Help! My Business Sucks! Andrew Lock shows you how to conquer that challenge. He also looks at how find a supplier and the wonders of scarcity marketing, plus more tips to help you “get more done and have more fun.”

I’ve rented a lot of cars in a lot of cities in the last year or so, and let me tell you that the kiosks that are supposed to save you time and stress, are near useless as far as I’m concerned. I get so annoyed whenever I go to pickup a car because regardless of the company I’m using (Hertz, Alamo, Enterprise, Dollar, Budget) all of their kiosks suck. Invariably they’re not working, out of order. Usually it happens when the lines for the counter are the longest. I think that’s Murphy’s contribution…

How do you promote a product or service that’s commonly misunderstood by your audience? It’s a challenge, but it’s possible — just listen to the advice I give in this week’s episode.

Another question I get asked a lot is, “I’m starting a new business and I’m looking for a supplier of ‘X’ – where can I find that?” If you’re wondering something similar, there’s a nifty resource called Worldwide Brands that can help you. It’s an excellent, reliable, inexpensive and effective service where you can find and contact suppliers for almost any product you can think of.

As you know, I’m a fan of Disney marketing, and their DVD division is no exception. They do a great job of a marketing principle known as “scarcity” — limiting some aspect of the sale. In Disney’s case, they limit the length of TIME that their movies are available for sale. They remind potential customers that the titles will be going “back into the vault” for a period of time. This strategy works well to help customers avoid procrastination, which is a major cause of delaying (and usually canceling) the sale (at least in the customer’s mind).

Look at ways you can implement scarcity in your business.

Let me know your opinion about the topics covered in the show this week – leave your comment below, it’s really easy to do.

Enjoy the show!

You’ll find lots more marketing tips and resources from Andrew Lock in our Small Business Essential series, Lock in Your Marketing Resources.

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