Every small business owner needs tools and services that hone their skills, improve their best practices and help grow their companies. And, as evidenced by our recent article, Free Online Resources Help Small Businesses Thrive, we all like it best when those tools and services are free. The people over at Microsoft agree, and to that end, have created a series of free, live small business Webinars that will run online during the month of March.
Sponsored by Microsoft Office Live, a set of Internet-based services and tools tailored to the needs of small businesses, the four-part, interactive Webinar series is designed to cover issues that small business owners face and to offer advice and guidance on growing your business.
According to a written statement issued by Microsoft, “More than half a million businesses close down each year — and Microsoft Office Live wants to help change this. A free Web seminar series sponsored by Microsoft Office Live helps small businesses discover how they can succeed in a highly competitive marketplace.”
Susan Wilson Colovic, CEO and chairman of SBTV.com, will host all four Webinars, and the topics range from guerrilla marketing to leadership skills and entrepreneurship.
Live Webinar Schedule
Topic: Web Marketing to an Older MarketDate: March 7, 2007
Time: 12 P.M. EST
Dick Stroud, author of “The 50-Plus Market,” will reveal how your company can adapt its marketing to target the increasing number of older people using the Web to transact business. Since older people are one of the wealthiest consumer groups, you won’t want to miss this seminar.
Topic: Creating Competitive Advantage
Date: March 14, 2007
Time: 12 P.M. EST
Jaynie Smith, author of the top-selling book “Creating Competitive Advantage,” says 95 percent of all companies don’t even know their competitive advantages. Tune in to her seminar to learn what competitive advantage is and is not and how to leverage yours to improve your bottom line.
Topic: Tax Tips for the Online Business
Date: March 21, 2007
Time: 12 P.M. EST
Cliff Ennico, attorney, nationally syndicated small business advice columnist and co-host of the popular PBS television series “Money Hunt,” will share tax tips designed to help online businesses keep the government off their backs and out of their wallets.
Topic: Small Business, Big Impact
Date: March 28, 2007
Time: 12 P.M. EST
Dr. Tom Sant, author of “The Giants of Sales,” explains how small businesses can win big contracts by adopting sales and marketing techniques that maximize their value and minimize the risk of doing business with them.
Microsoft Office Live also offers an archive of its previously aired Webinars, which you can also access for free. You can register for any of the live or archived Webinars here.
Lauren Simonds is the managing editor of SmallBusinessComputing.com
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