Endpoint Security: Encrypt Your Flash Drive

You can’t beat flash drives for convenience, but you’ll pay a hefty price for it — and we’re not talking money. If you should lose that drive, anyone can access the data on it – unless you encrypt it. These straightforward steps make it easy to add data security to your most portable drives . ESecurityPlanet has the full story.

USB flash drives are great for transporting files and documents back and forth from the office to home or to a meeting or on a business trip. On the other hand, the small size and ease of mobility also has disadvantages. Thumb drives are incredibly easy to forget in the USB port and they’re small enough to fall out of—or be taken from—your pocket or bag unnoticed.

Because theft or human error is so common, your best defense is to encrypt your USB flash drive. This protects your files and documents in case someone else gets their thumb on it. Encryption might sound technical and complicated, but it is a rather simple concept and process. You can buy drives that come encrypted out-of-the-box, but you’ll pay for it. If you’ve got a few minutes, you can save some money by encrypting any drive yourself.

Read the complete How to Encrypt a USB Flash Drive article

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