If you love finding free or affordable Web tools as much as I do, then you’ll want to know about these free resources. First up is a great social networking site just for small business owners, the second one is a great site for free stock photos, and the third one is for anyone who loves to geek out and experiment with marketing (again, like me).
The results of the experiments are free to all subscribers, and it’s free to be a subscriber. So don’t hesitate to sign up. You’ll find that they test and track all kinds of interesting marketing ideas, and the reports make for compelling reading. Not only that, but if you implement the suggestions in your own business, you’ll most likely make more money — and that’s the ultimate purpose of the site.
I will say that the reports can be a little heavy going at times, but like I said, if you’re a true marketing geek you’ll love it. So check out MarketingExperiments.com.
Andrew Lock is a self-described maverick marketer and the creator and host of Help! My Business Sucks, a free, weekly Web TV show full of practical small business marketing tips, advice and resources to help small businesses “get more done and have more fun.”
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