You’ve planned your social media strategy and you’re ready to connect and engage with your customers like never before. It’s all good. But wait, you still l need one more element; a way to track your results. After all, there’s no point in kicking off a social media marketing effort if you can’t determine whether it’s working. Don’t stress, we’ve got you covered. Check out the five social media tools recommended by Vangie Beal over at our sister site, Ecommerce-Guide,com. Ready, set, engage.
In Internet marketing, using social media services like Facebook and Twitter is a great way to help you talk about your ecommerce business and connect with your customers. However, it can be difficult for small business ecommerce-site owners to determine whether anyone is noticing their social marketing efforts. The following social media tools will help you get started on the right path to tracking your social media success.
Read the complete article: 5 Useful Social Media Tools for Ecommerce Site Owners
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