Mobile commerce is one of the biggest trends to hit the retail world since ecommerce itself, and you don’t want to miss out. But you probably don’t want to spend a fortune on making it easier for customers to shop on your site with a mobile device. We’ve got you covered. Take a gander at these five strategies that you can use to keep mobile commerce customers happy and coming back to your site.
It’s no secret that mobile commerce is booming and expected to grow rapidly for the foreseeable future. But that means a small business will miss out on sales it needs to prosper unless it has a presence on smartphones of every brand and on every carrier. That’s a tall order for the little guy on a tiny budget. Building a phone app, for example, can cost thousands of dollars — and that’s for just one brand of phone. Not to worry, there are ways to “go mobile” on a shoestring.
Read the complete article: 5 Tips to Make Your Website Mobile Friendly
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