15 Twitter Tools to Boost Social Media Marketing

If building your social media marketing plan is part of your New Year’s resolution (or even if you simply want to improve your current small business marketing strategy), Twitter is definitely one of the most efficient ways to reach thousands of potential customers — without spending money.

You’ll need to invest some time, and you’ll need the right tools. Don’t worry, we’ve got that last part covered. Our sister site, Ecommerce-Guide.com adds 15 more tools to your Twitter arsenal. Take a look, take your pick and start spreading the word.

As follow up to our recent 25 Twitter Tools to Make Tweeting Easier, Faster, this week we look at a different set of 15 Twitter tools that will help you to further take advantage of using Twitter as a small business marketing tool.

If you have integrated Twitter into your small business marketing plan, it’s helpful to invest the time to find the right tools to integrate Twitter into your existing social marketing practices. The following list of desktop and Web-based tools will help make using Twitter an easier and faster process for you.

Read the complete article: 15 More Twitter Tools for Small Business Marketing

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