Zappedy Offers Local Retailers Instant Web Presence And Group Buying Zappedy Offers Local Retailers Instant Web Presence And Group Buying

Don’t have a Web site yet or don’t have time to promote the one you have? Zappedy builds a Web site and helps you develop and promote offers that give customers discounts if they persuade a group of friends to buy at the same time. (Includes link to video interview with Zappedy executive.)

“Local retailers are BUSY and every day, they’re not just fighting the battle of “their customer is only a click away” but they also must consider their local (physical store) competition and of course the day to day management and operation of their local store.

Many of them are online, but some still do not have a web presence. Those who do have a web presence it’s quite a challenge for them to find the time to market their web site properly.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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