ZDNet – Smartphones and Cell phones: Truphone Local Anywhere SIM and services makes every call local
On previous trips to Europe I have used Truphone to make calls on my Nokia devices. Over the last couple of years Truphone has rolled out mobile VoIP clients for various smartphone operating systems and today they announced (PDF file) their latest service called Truphone Local Anywhere that makes every call a local call. The service is designed for international travelers who could save more than 90 percent on their mobile bills with this new service that provides local number for calls, texts, and data with a single SIM card. The Truphone Local Anywhere service launched today in the US and UK with other countries coming in 2010.
To use the service you will need to get a Truphone Local Anywhere SIM card and for the consumer this is a pre-pay option while it is a post-pay service for businesses. As you can see they have three featured packages ranging in price from $24.99 to $129.99 to start, with a focus on the UK traveler. You will find a convenient rate calculator and see exactly what the rates are for the calls you plan to make. You can also purchase local country numbers for your SIM so when you travel you can be reached on a local call.