PCmag@Work (Small Business): The G Drive: Google Docs Adds File Storage
Soon you’ll be able to upload almost any file you want to your Google Docs account, the first signs of an actual “Google Drive” as has been long rumored. Previously, you could only upload files that could be opened by the Google Docs word processor, spreadsheet, or presentations program. This service will probably come first to paid users of Google Apps , which is just like Google Docs, but with all the other services like Gmail thrown in and customized to your domain name. It’ll roll out slowly to the rest of the world over the next few months. There are limits. Files can only be 250MB or less in size. You only get 1GB of total storage space for free; but the cost of adding more is remarkably cheap, only one quarter (25 cents) per GB per year, so that’s only $10 annually for an extra 40GB. How do you get those documents uploaded? Third party applications like Memeo Connect, Syncplicity, and Manymoon already use the Google Documents List Data API and should make it simple. Memeo has a desktop app for Mac and Windows. Syncplicity, of course, is like Dropbox and SugarSync for synchronizing data across several PCs, but has had support for Google Docs for a long time as well. For more details, read the full story on PCMag.com.