PCWorld: Six Hot Tablet Computers To Add To Your List
All announced or launched in the past few months, these six tablets range from entertainment-oriented devices to all-business tabs like the HP Slate 500 and the RIM BlackBerry PlayBook.
“When most people think of a tablet, they think of the pater familias of the current generation, the 9.6-by-7.5-by-0.5-inch Apple iPad. But today, with dimensions ranging from the height and width of a Christmas card to the height and width of a clipboard, tablets are as becoming diverse a product category as we’ve seen in a long time. In fact, the first order of business may be to try to establish some ground rules for what people mean when they refer to something as a tablet.
What Defines a Tablet?
Is a device with a 3.2-inch touchscreen, like the Archos 32 Internet Tablet (below), really a tablet? In its dimensions it more closely resembles a mobile phone or an iPod Touch than an iPad. But when you think about it, an iPod Touch can does much of what an iPad does–only (as is true of its iPhone cousin) on a smaller screen. Likewise, the 5-inch Dell Streak is as comfortable to hold as a mini-tablet, calling to mind the advantage that the 5-inch Sony Reader Pocket Edition e-book reader has over its larger brethren.”