Review: Livecage Online Conferencing

PCWorld: Review – Livecage Online Conferencing

Livecage lets you do online Web, audio and video conferences, and also upload audio and video recordings to the Web (from conferences or pre-recorded) for later viewing. It even has a pay-per-view function.

“LiveCage isn’t like other online conferencing services. That’s because online conferencing isn’t all it does. You can use it to hold audio- and videoconferences. You can also use it to do live video and audio webcasts; record video and audio for later viewing; and upload and share videos, photos, and audio files. It even has pay-per-view features. But in doing so many things, it doesn’t do any of them as well as more focused services.

Livecage does have two things strongly in its favor: First, it offers unlimited file storage; you can upload and share as much video and audio as you want. Second, almost all of its services are free. The service charges only when you use its pay-per-view system to sell your content; in that case, Livecage keeps half of your revenue.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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