Review: EditMe Online Collaboration For SMBs

Entrepreneur: Review – EditMe Online Colloboration For SMBs

EditMe includes a number of applications, including file sharing and collaboration, sales planning, task management and scheduling. Small businesses can choose which features to use and EditMe hosts the customized online app.

“Plenty of software tools can help you and your employees collaborate online. But Maynard, Mass.-based EditMe LLC has a fresh approach: It lets you decide which features you want to use for your business and then serves them up on a customized website.

Collaboration software, also known as groupware, help people work together and to access and modify common files. Online collaboration tools, such as interactive word processing, spreadsheets and presentation tools, now come standard in several popular Web-based office products, including Google Inc.’s Google Apps and Microsoft Inc.’s Office 2011. And more sophisticated project-management and accounting tools like Inc. and Intuit’s QuickBooks Online offer small businesses an array of options, including tools to help small groups sell and ways to manage company books online.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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