Preview: Mobile Solid State USB 3.0 Drive From Iomega

New York Times: Preview – Mobile Solid State USB 3.0 Drive From Iomega

New USB 3.0 drives transfer data much quicker than older USB 2.0 drives, Williams points out, but not many computers have USB 3.0 connections yet and a competing standard may supplant it.

“Combine the advances in capacity for solid-state drives with the increases in data transfer speed afforded by the new U.S.B. 3.0 platform, and the result looks something like Iomega’s black slab.

It’s not called the black slab; in fact, the name, the Iomega U.S.B. 3.0 External SSD Flash Drive, doesn’t conjure up an exotic piece of gear. Yet it is just that.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
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