Look-ahead: Security Concerns For 2011

ITBusinessEdge: Look-ahead – Security Concerns For 2011

Cosoi’s predictions? More platform-independent threats that attack Macs, Windows PCs and Linux machines equally, attacks on businesses at social media sites and malware targeting mobiles.

“With Thanksgiving literally round the corner, the end of 2010 also draws inexorably closer. Before the holiday mood sets in too deeply – I’m referring to the other staffers, of course – now is probably a good time to start planning and preparing your goals for 2011. So what are some areas that small and mid-sized businesses should take note of when it comes to security?

Security vendor BitDefender has some ideas, and Catalin Cosoi, who is the Head of the Online Threats Lab there, was kind enough to send along a short list of predictions of what 2011 will bring. Cosoi manages the research and development of new anti-spam, anti-phishing and other anti-malware technologies at BitDefender. Below are his three predictions, followed by my comments.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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