Social Media Today: Location Services – 5 Ways Your Small Biz Can Play
Suggestions for how small businesses can profitably get involved in the location services craze include creating virtual rewards programs, getting involved in group buying offers and advertising on mobile coupon networks.
“Location based check-in type services are this year’s overhyped topic – with good reason. While you may not understand why someone wants to be the mayor of their barber shop, you do need to recognize the behavior that social location services such as Gowalla, Foursquare, Yelp! and Facebook Places represents for the local business.
Shoppers these days are using the Internet to find everything locally and increasingly using mobile devices, services and apps to effectively bypass even the web to find a merchant. What that means is that local small businesses need to find ways to tap into the behavior and not necessarily try to ride the hype wave to Foursquare fame.”