Livescribe Pulse Smartpen Gets Its Own App Store

The New York Times: Livescribe Pulse Smartpen Gets Its Own App Store

A New York Times reporter, who regularly uses the Pulse smartpen for note taking, tried out a few of the new apps – some free, some for fee, some from Livescribe, some from third parties – and wasn’t terribly impressed.

“I’ve always liked the concept of Livescribe’s Pulse smartpen, a device that makes note taking much more productive.

The pen, which starts at $150, is a standard writing instrument combined with a digital audio recorder. When you take notes at a lecture on a special dot-embedded paper, for instance, they are automatically synched with a recording of that talk. Touch the pen to a scribbled word, and you’ll hear the recording of those words. With this smartpen, students, lawyers doing depositions and harried reporters don’t have to worry about capturing every word at a lecture or interview, knowing instead that when they touch a hastily written undecipherable word, their pen will lead them to a full recording of what was said.”

Small Business Computing Staff
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