iPad For Small Businesses – Pros, Cons

Small Business Trends: iPad For Small Businesses – Pros, Cons

Could you ditch your laptop and get along with just an iPad. Small Business Trends says many small businesses are using iPads but it’s no laptop replacement.

“The iPad is a huge success. According to the research firm iSupply, Apple will sell roughly 13 million iPads this year. Many of these are being used by small businesses.

Over the last few months we’ve interviewed a number of small businesses who use iPads. We also use iPads at Emergent Research.

The consensus view of the folks we talked to is the iPad is a great computing device for some applications, but is not for everyone. Also, the iPad has not fully replaced notebook computers for most of the people we interviewed.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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