How To Use Online Video To Reach Your Customers

Open Forum: How To Use Online Video To Reach Your Customers

Rohit Bhargava, a drummer himself, explains how The Memphis Drum Shop created an online audition room for drummers to try out different cymbals – making it possible to sell the products online. Bhargava analyzes what makes the site so successful.

“I spend hours listening to the sounds different cymbals make when they are hit in various locations. If you aren’t a drummer, this moment is tough to relate to — but for a drummer, the decision to buy a cymbal is a very personal one.

You might imagine that the only way to sell a product as nuanced as this would be inside a physical store. After all, what kind of drummer would buy a mail order cymbal without hearing and testing it out for himself? The Memphis Drum Shop, however, found a solution: they created a “virtual test” by creating a YouTube channel with videos testing the sound of various cymbals. The channel has been up for a little over four years, and has amassed over 15 million views — not bad for a site targeted to a relatively small population of active drummers.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
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