InformationWeek: How 802.11n Will Revolutionize Connectivity
If you aren’t replacing wired Ethernet with WLAN access for at least some employees, now is the time. The 11n protocol brings better performance, and we’re seeing security and management advances too. Don’t believe us? Nearly 800 survey respondents can’t be wrong.
Eleven drafts and 73 months. That’s what it took to bring the final, ratified 802.11n standard to a network near you. Fortunately, it’s worth the wait–11n is a quantum leap forward that, in our estimation, will change the WLAN game altogether. The Wi-Fi Alliance says 802.11n equipment will have five times the throughput and twice the range of legacy Wi-Fi gear; speeds are currently at 300 Mbps, with 450-Mbps and 600-Mbps systems on the horizon. The specification uses radio and antenna technologies in clever ways, while still providing support for legacy 802.11a/b/g devices.