ITBusinessEdge: Disaster Recorvery – Small Biz Needs A Different Approach
ITBE SMB tech blogger Paul Mah explains briefly and simply how small businesses need to plan for disaster recovery so they spend no more than they absolutely must.
“One question that has probably crossed the minds of SMB CEOs and IT managers would be the differences when planning for disasters compared with their enterprise counterparts. Is it necessary to adopt the same kind of expensive hardware and procedures often deployed by these larger companies? Or should small and medium businesses be taking a different approach to disaster recovery?
According to Michael Bilancieri, senior director of products of Marathon Technologies, the difference in size is an important consideration when it comes to implementing DR. Marathon deals with automated, high-availability solutions. Bilancieri brings to the table more than 10 years of experience in various engineering, management and support aspects of high availability and disaster recovery solutions.”