Battery Optimizer Keeps Your Laptop Ticking Longer

PCWorld: Battery Optimizer Keeps Your Laptop Ticking Longer

In one test with a Toshiba laptop, Battery Optimizer saved 28 minutes of battery time. Price: $30.

“Battery Optimizer ($30, feature-limited demo) is a small application designed to perform various tasks that improve battery life on a laptop PC. The first thing it does when you start it up is provide a nice big graphic detailing battery life in percentage and time. It calculates battery life its own way rather than relying on Windows’ estimates, and Battery Optimizer seems to be more accurate in that respect.

Next, Battery Optimizer asks to run a diagnostic, which tests the laptop’s WiFi, Bluetooth, infrared, brightness, and external peripherals settings, all in an attempt to give you back some of that precious battery life. The test can take anywhere from the stated 7 minutes (on the older of the two laptops I tested) to up to 20 (on the newer laptop).”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
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