Asus Heats Up Tablet Market

Wall Street Journal: Asus Heats Up Tablet Market

The Asus products, 10- and 12-inch screen tablets running Windows 7, won’t be available until early next year, but the company is already set to launch an Apple-style app store for applications in partnership with Intel.

“Asustek Computer Inc., the Taiwan company that pioneered the netbook, joined the battle to take on Apple Inc.’s iPad, unveiling a tablet computer that will run on Microsoft Corp. software.

Speaking ahead of Tuesday’s official start of the Computex trade show here, Asustek executives said their new device, called the Eee Pad, will start selling in the first quarter of next year. The touch-screen tablet personal computer will use Microsoft’s Windows 7 operating system and Intel Corp.’s Core processor.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
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