$200 Video Camera + Satisfied Customers = Qiuck Sale Of Business

InformationWeek SMB: $200 Video Camera + Satisfied Customers = Quick Sale Of Business

Building a library of video testimonials from customers who can explain how your product made or saved them money will help you sell your business faster, says author John Warrillow. Includes link to video.

“A library of customer testimonials is an important asset in building a company you can sell. Getting customers on-the-record using a Flip Video camera will help you demonstrate to an acquirer that you have a real, sustainable business with customers who like what you do. Take these 3 steps for great results.

1. Get Results-Based Testimonials: In the old days testimonials were what Joe Polish, the legendary marketer behind Nightingale-Conant’s’ #1 bestselling tape series for 3 years ‘Piranha Marketing’, calls ‘That-A-Boy’ testimonials. Polish say ‘That-A-Boy’ testimonials are nice but what you want is ‘Results Based’ testimonials.”

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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