The Worst Viruses of June 2002

Wayne N. Kawamoto
Managing Editor,

Central Command, a provider of PC anti-virus software and computer security services, recently released its monthly listing of the top twelve viruses reported for June, 2002. The report, coined the “Dirty Dozen”, is based on the number of virus occurrences confirmed through Central Command’s Emergency Virus Response Team.

The table below represents the most prevalent viruses for June 2002, number one being the most frequent.

1. Worm/Klez.E (includes G variant)

2. W32/Elkern.C

3. Worm/W32.Sircam

4. W32/Yaha.E

5. W32/Nimda

6. W32/Magistr.B

7. Worm/Frethem.D

8. Worm/Badtrans.B

9. W95/CIH

10. W95/Hybris

11. W32/Magistr.A

12. Worm/Shakira

“While Worm/Klez continued its relentless march in the history books, we once again saw much focus on exploiting high profile events and celebrities this month,” said Steven Sundermeier product manager at Central Command. “The global exposure of the World Cup brought a frenzy of new worms and viruses, as did the growing popularity of Latino pop star Shakira.”

Disguised as a friendship screensaver, W32/Yaha.E entered the Dirty Dozen at number four. Other new viruses for this month included Worm/Frethem.D an Internet worm masquerading as a decrpyted password and W32/Perrun, a proof-of-concept JPEG file infector.

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