Your small business runs Windows or Mac, so you don’t need a tech support team that can handle Linux, right? Wrong. So says Carla Schroder, who points out that the real world is a big mix of Windows, Mac, Linux and Unix. You live in the real world, right? Don’t you want someone with real IT skills? Read Carla’s informed rant at LinuxPlanet.
Some things seem so obvious I feel silly even saying them. And this is one of them: any IT staffer who only knows one operating system is not worth hiring.
We see the silly Microsoft versus Linux versus Apple stories every day, with 10 Reasons Why This One is Better, and 7 Reasons Why That One Sucks, and 5 Ways to Make Headlines With Lists. The ones that crack me up are the “10 Scary Hurdles to Migrating to Linux.” Ever notice how every single time they mention, “You’ll need Linux skills!”
Oh dear, no! Linux skills? Well there’s a deal breaker! Because it is completely unreasonable to expect your current batch of delicate Windows admins to have any Linux skills.
Read the complete Linux article
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