How to Send Email and Files Securely

There’s no need to put your small business, customer data or personal privacy at risk, and that’s exactly what happens when you send email or transfer files over the Internet. And just like when you were a kid, the “everyone does it” excuse won’t fly. Eric Geier takes you through the steps of keeping your business communications private. Why not do it right now? eSecurityPlanet has the specifics.

Even in this day and age, after decades of having the Internet, we are still surprisingly sending and receiving most of our e-mails and information insecurely through the World Wide Web. We’re still using

When in clear-text, your passwords and the data content can be captured on the local network you’re connected to, which is an even bigger problem when connected to a public Wi-Fi hotspot or Internet port. Additionally, the data could be captured and read by hackers or eavesdroppers during stops at servers when it’s moving through the Web.

Read the complete secure email article

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