5 Windows 7 Tips to Simplify Small Business Networking

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If you’d rather spend your time running your business and making money rather than configuring your small business network router, congratulations, you’re in good company. Of course the reality is you’ll probably have to do some network trouble shooting, especially if you don’t have an IT staff.

That’s why it’s handy to have tips to make the pain a bit more bearable, and these five tips and tricks complied by our sister site, Practically Networked, will make networking with Windows 7 easier, which gives you more time to get down to business.

Microsoft made many changes and enhancements to the networking features in Windows 7. The company added support for Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), easing the setup of wireless networks. HomeGroup helps simplify network sharing. New mobile features let you configure default printers per locations. Wireless Hosted Networks let you create a virtual Wi-Fi router.

In this article we’ll discuss some tips and tricks involving these new features.

Read the complete article: Tips and Tricks to Make Windows 7 Networking Easier

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