10 Ways to Boost CRM with Social Media Tools

Engaging customers and involving them in your business as much as possible is a smart strategy. It builds retention, loyalty and revenue. Social media tools are an effective, incredibly affordable way to manage your customer relationships and should be a part of any CRM strategy. These 10 tips, from business folks who use them successfully, will get you started. CRMGuide.com has the full story.

These days, if you really want to know what your customers are thinking (and where they are shopping), you need to connect with them online, on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Indeed, in today’s social media-driven world, having a Facebook page, a Twitter account, a LinkedIn profile, and a blog where you can interact with customers — and, more importantly, they can interact with you — is an essential part of customer relationship management (CRM).

Read the complete CRM and social media article

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