The Hidden Danger of Affordable Website Maintenance

After spending the time and money to develop your small business website, you might be tempted by inexpensive website maintenance services that promise to keep your site updated while saving you money. It’s a classic caveat emptor scenario, and you really need to do your due diligence to ensure that your website — a crucial part of your business — is in reliable hands.

Over at our sister site, Ecommerce-Guide, Helen Bradley explains the risks involved with taking the cheap way out when it comes to website maintenance services.

Are you updating your ecommerce website regularly, effectively, and inexpensively? Chances are you can answer yes to one part of this question but not the others. When someone else designs your ecommerce website, the project price typically includes an ongoing fee for maintenance and updates. And while the price is often good, the timeliness and effectiveness of the service may not be.

Read the complete article: The High Cost of Cheap Website Maintenance Services

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