We’ve pulled more small business marketing gems out of the Help! My Business Sucks archives to help your business thrive. This week’s episode looks at jaw-dropping stupidity on the UK version of the Apprentice – talk about how NOT to run a business.
Our small business marketing guru also offers up great tips on how you can promote your new website and increase visitors, and he discusses how you can take a page from Amazon.com and create a loyalty program for your small business. Let us know what you think about these tips and share some of your own in the comments below.
You’ll find lots more small business marketing tips and resources from Andrew Lock in our Small Business In-Depth series, Lock in Your Marketing Resources.
Andrew Lock is a self-described maverick marketer and the creator and host of Help! My Business Sucks, a free, weekly Web TV show full of practical small business marketing tips, advice and resources to help small businesses “get more done and have more fun.”
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