Love at First Site

Envisioning that your Web site is courting your visitors may be a good way to make some improvements. Here are some ways to equate your e-store’s relationship with its customers to the dating process – where hopefully everyone will live happily ever after.

First Impressions – When customers happen upon your URL for the very first time is there immediate chemistry? Is your doorstep inviting them in or clicking them off? The splash page should be inviting, approachable and easy on the eyes.

Comfort Level – Navigation should flow easily and customers should be able to find items and information quickly. There should be a relaxed chemistry between the site and the shopper.

Expectations – Like any good relationship, both parties should be getting their needs met. Customers require quality products, good service and fair prices, and the e-tailer hopes to profit.

Personal Space – Make sure your e-business respects the customer’s Web experience by limiting pop-up advertising, flashing banners and daily e-marketing messages.

Fulfillment – Broken promises could equal a broken relationship. Reliability, dependability, trustworthiness and timely delivery will foster loyalty.

Long term Commitment – Vow that you will stay faithful and true to your customer by never sharing or selling confidential information. Be attentive to the customer’s needs and treat every order with importance.

Make the Customer Feel Special – Exclusive offers, unadvertised sales, rewards programs and promotions will let shoppers know they are appreciated.

Good Communication – This is the key to sustaining any relationship. Inquiries should be addressed promptly and handled courteously. Listening to customer complaints and following up with appropriate solutions will inspire return visits.

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Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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