Will Google Rescue Netbooks?

Amidst all the flash and glamour associated with the iPad and Android tablets, does anyone even remember what all the fuss was about netbooks?

Google does. Just when you thought the world was tablet-crazed, Google brings the netbook back from the edge of obscurity and into the public consciousness; specifically netbooks that run Google Chrome – an open source operating system.

Check out the full article on our sister site, Datamation to learn what new features these netbooks offer — will it be enough to fend off the mighty tablet?

The netbook lives. At Google’s I/O conference in San Francisco Wednesday, the search giant finally did what some customers have been waiting for, for months — it introduced netbooks running its open source Chrome OS.

The new Chromebooks, as they’re called, will be available on June 15 from hardware partners Samsung and Acer, Google (NASDAQ: MSFT) officials said.

Read the complete article: Google Rolls Out Its ‘Chromebook’ Netbook

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