Review: A Docking Station for Netbooks

If you love your netbook’s light weight and mobility but sometimes wish it had more storage capacity or that you could watch a DVD on it, pay attention — this review is for you. The Aegis NetDock adds affordable flexibility to any netbook. Watch a DVD, burn a CD or DVD, or attach peripherals into one if its many USB ports. HardwareCentral has the full review.

As computers get smaller, trade offs have to be made. That’s especially the case with netbooks, those diminutive dynamos that have captured a broad audience in recent times. Some of the trade offs necessary to shrink down those portables to the pint-sized packages that their fans find so alluring include smaller hard drives, fewer USB ports and the total absence of optical drives.

Given the avowed mission of the netbook, it’s easy to understand why designers felt those trade offs weren’t trade offs at all. Large hard drives aren’t needed when the Internet is your hard drive.

A USB port or two should be sufficient because you don’t need to hang devices from a netbook like ornaments on a Christmas tree. And if you really need an optical drive, you should be using a full-sized notebook because there just isn’t any room in a netbook for one.

Read the complete netbook docking station review.

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