Will MySkypeOffice Let You Phone It in at Work?

Working at Home

Skype may finally get a chance to provide affordable VoIP phone service to small business users, at least it will if the folks at PhoneFusion have anything to say about it. The company’s developing a product that will give Skype PBX capabilities – call-handling features that let small companies appear as professional as their larger counterparts.

Read the full story for all the details on how MySkypeOffice aims to give small businesses full VoIP-based PBX features over Skype for a very low monthly fee.

There’s a pretty good chance that you use Skype in your business communications — at least from time to time.

Skype is a cheap and generally reliable way to make international calls — with wonderful sound quality — but it’s really not set up to be a core business phone system. Sure, it will do limited call forwarding and take voicemail messages, but these are extras. And let’s face it, Skype is pretty short on PBX functionality — such as customized greetings, auto attendant, or automatic call distribution.

Read the complete article: MySkypeOffice: Transforming Skype into a Business Phone System

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