Review: Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 6000

Sometimes arch-rivalry is the sincerest form of flattery. Microsoft‘s newest notebook mouse combines Microsoft’s latest mouse innovation with, uh, Logitech’s latest mouse innovation.

The latter is what Logitech has called a “plug-and-forget nano-receiver.” In the Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 6000 ($50), it’s called a “plug-and-go nano transceiver” — a wireless receiver that, instead of sticking out like a thumb drive, projects only 0.3 inch when inserted into a laptop’s USB 2.0 port.

This lets you leave the receiver plugged into your notebook without worrying about it snagging or snapping off as you stuff the PC into and yank it out of your briefcase. If for some reason you don’t want to leave it in place, the receiver also fits in a tiny slot in the mouse’s bottom when not in use.

A micro receiver was a good idea when Logitech debuted it with the VX Nano mouse, and it’s a good idea today. It’s also a good match for the abovementioned Microsoft innovation, the BlueTrack Technology that premiered with Redmond’s Explorer Mouse last December and that lets the Mobile 6000 work on virtually any surface.

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