The staff over at shot past the turkey and stuffing to dive head first into holidays that involve gifts. They’ve complied a list of Wi-Fi presents they’d like to open…why not take advantage of their technical expertise and holiday avarice to plan one of your own?
Whether or not you put up a tree in your home (or office) in December or compose an e-mail that begins “Dear Santa,” the end of the year is a time for a tradition even older than stockings hung by the fire with care—wishing for new stuff.
In keeping with this tradition, we asked Wi-Fi Planet’s contributors to tell us which Wi-Fi-related things they would each like to have someone wrap up and deliver via FedEx or chimney, whichever worked best this year. We hope they didn’t get the impression that gifts would then be forthcoming…Here’s what they said:
Troy Dreier, writer/reviewer
- Netgear RangeMax NEXT Wireless-N Access Point ($139.99; below): I love my 802.11n network and I’d love it more if it reached all the way through my house. This access point is what I need to extend the range.
- Chumby One ($99.95): I dug the original Chumby and I can’t wait to see what the next model will bring. It’s due out soon. [See? Wishing works. Look for Troy’s review of the new Chumby next week.]
- Apple TV ($229): I keep hoping Apple will upgrade the specs on the Apple TV and lower the price. Maybe then it will catch on. Of course, if I got it as a gift price wouldn’t matter.
- iPhone 3GS ($199+): While I’d enjoy having video recording on my iPhone, I’m not eligible for an discounted upgrade until next summer.
- DirecTV HD Plus DVR ($179.99): If I upgrade my DirecTV DVR to this model, I can get on-demand content wirelessly through my home network. Of course, the upgrade price is $199, there’s a $50 installation charge, and I’d have to pay an extra $10 per month for HD channels that I don’t want. Okay, I’m not sure I want this, after all.
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