71 articles written

Thor Olavsrud


Polycom Wants to Make Video Ubiquitous for Small Business

Polycom has a vision of making accessible and robust...

FileSafe Retools Small Business Server Pricing

Kim Brand, inventor of Server Partner's FileSafe small business...

Fishbowl Unveils Latest Small Business Inventory Software

Fishbowl, provider of a highly popular inventory add-on for...

Synchroteam Helps Small Businesses Manage a Mobile Workforce

Utility companies and large enterprises with mobile workforces have...


Synchroteam Helps Small Businesses Manage a Mobile Workforce

Utility companies and large enterprises with mobile workforces have for years had access to robust mobile workforce service management...

Polycom Wants to Make Video Ubiquitous for Small Business

Polycom has a vision of making accessible and robust video collaboration the foundation of small business communications. To that...

Avaya Brings Mobile to Unified Communications for Small Business

Avaya, a specialist in business communications and collaboration systems and services, upped its mobile game in the small and...

Dell Debuts Small Business Storage with Deduplication

The volume of data in the world is expanding rapidly, and the pace of that expansion is increasing. For...

Iomega Introduces Desktop NAS for Small Businesses

Iomega Monday unwrapped a new desktop network storage device intended to give small and medium businesses (SMBs), home offices...

TappIn Offers Small Business Alternative to Cloud Computing

The increasing ubiquity of enterprise technology in the consumer space -- from smartphones and tablets to cloud computing --...

OneReach Delivers Automated Communications for SMBs

Sophisticated automated multichannel communications is typically considered the purview of large enterprises, but Denver, Colo.-based OneReach plans to change...

GetApp.com Simplifies Online Business Software for SMBs

More small businesses are turning to the cloud for applications to support their business in lieu of seeking an...

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