21 articles written

Larry Barrett


SMBs Waking Up to Data Security Threats

In the past year, small and midsized businesses have...

What SMBs Don’t Know About Security Can Hurt You

Small and midsized businesses might be the lifeblood of...

Six Online Security Tips for Black Friday Shoppers

Security Tips for Mobile Online Shopping With Black Friday and...

Mobile Devices Catch More Phish

It seems that people who use mobile devices are...


Mobile Devices Catch More Phish

It seems that people who use mobile devices are a lot less vigilant when it comes to clicking on...

Dell Delivers Streak 7 Tablet and Venue Smartphone

If you tend to think of notebooks and desktops when you think of Dell, you'll have to readjust your...

Mobile Security: 7 Smartphone Tips for a Safer Holiday

That smartphone you just can't live without is as prone to security attacks and malware as any desktop or...

Survey Shows Smartphone Brand Loyalty Low Priority

Smartphone popularity is on the rise, and small businesses are moving toward these mobile devices as a way to...

Mobile Device Alert: Here Comes the iPad 2

Mobile Device Rumors Heat Up Over iPad2 The rumor mill is in full swing with news out of Taiwan that...

Six Online Security Tips for Black Friday Shoppers

Security Tips for Mobile Online Shopping With Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the two biggest shopping days of the holiday...

PayPal Plugs Its iPhone App’s Security Hole

The trend to use mobile devices to make payments is on the rise, and you can bet that security...

Study Examines Security Risks of Social Media

One of the great things about Web 2.0 applications like Facebook, Twitter and online collaboration tools is that they...

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