7 articles written

Kevin Savetz


Alternative Office Suites

You've got to spend money to make money, so...

Utility-Based Computing for Small Businesses

Imagine this: your ten employees are working away at...

Backup Strategies for Small Businesses

If your small business is like many others, the...

Backup A Minute

Your business may be small, but the sheer amount...


Alternative Office Suites

You've got to spend money to make money, so they say, but just how much did they say Microsoft...

Out With the Old

So you've just upgraded to the latest and greatest server hardware. Or you have replaced your workers' aging PCs...

Backup A Minute

Your business may be small, but the sheer amount of data that it generates probably isn't. E-mail, client files,...

Talk it Up with Videoconferencing

Sometimes words are not enough. The telephone is a staple of modern communications, and e-mail changed the way business...

Utility-Based Computing for Small Businesses

Imagine this: your ten employees are working away at their PCs, using Microsoft Excel, doing inventory control, or managing...

Backup Strategies for Small Businesses

If your small business is like many others, the word "meticulous" does not define your data backup strategy. Perhaps...

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