9 articles written

Frank Fortunato


Auction Drop-Off Stores and eBay: Part II

For anyone with eBay auction-worthy merchandise they wish to...

Review: MarketBlast for eBay &#151 Part 2

Yesterday, we introduced you to a new eBay management...

Review: MarketBlast for eBay � Part 1

Automation by ScriptsScript automation is triggered by a passage...

eBay Auction Drop-Off Stores: Part I

Part I: An Inevitable Development A novel business idea a...


Going Global on eBay

Many eBayers resist selling internationally because of fear of the unknown. Confusion and bother along with customs forms, currency...

Review: MarketBlast for eBay &#151 Part 2

Yesterday, we introduced you to a new eBay management tool called MarketBlast. Today, we review more advanced features and...

Review: MarketBlast for eBay � Part 1

Automation by ScriptsScript automation is triggered by a passage of time rather than an event. This allows actions set...

Auction Drop-Off Stores and eBay: Part II

For anyone with eBay auction-worthy merchandise they wish to convert into cash, but have neither the time nor inclination...

eBay Auction Drop-Off Stores: Part I

Part I: An Inevitable Development A novel business idea a few years ago, auction drop-off stores now number 7,000 across...

Battling Fraud on eBay: Part 2

As covered in Part I, eBay's success makes it a huge bull's-eye in cyberspace. This grim reality can be...

Battling Fraud on Ebay: Part 1

Today, few things cost eBay users as much money and grief as account hijacking. At the vanguard of this...

Welcome to the Jungle: The Two Sides of eBay (Part II)

In Part I of Welcome to the Jungle: The Two Sides of eBay, we examined the scope of eBay's...

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