I’m thrilled to be back with a brand-new episode of Help! My Business Sucks. I’ve spent a really busy summer touring around the world teaching small business owners how to build a profitable website in five days. It’s been lots of fun though, and great to meet so many entrepreneurs.
Have you seen the new tourism ad for London and the UK? They want to promote the UK as a destination, especially with the Olympics coming up next year. However, the recent riots have caused us to take the liberty of showing a re-edited, more accurate ad. Let me know your thoughts.
Every business owner wants to be noticed more, to make more sales, and the fundamental requirement is, of course, small business marketing. I’ll share some specific tips that you can adapt for your industry that will help you stand out from the crowd.
Outsourcing is a hot topic these days, and because I want to help you get more done, I share a great outsourcing resource that has similarities with Fiverr, which I featured in a previous episode. Remember? Sure you do.
Finally in this episode, I focus in on a big marketing lesson from 5 Guys Burgers and Fries, a U.S. based burger chain that’s opening new outlets all over the country in an accelerated fashion.
As usual, let me know your opinion about the topics covered in the show to help your small business this week — leave your comment below, it’s really easy to do.
Andrew Lock is a self-described maverick marketer and the creator and host of Help! My Business Sucks, a free, weekly Web TV show full of practical small business marketing tips, advice and resources to help small businesses “get more done and have more fun.”
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