21 Ways to Sell Online

You don’t have to build an ecommerce site in order to sell products online. We’ve got 21 alternative ways to sell products online. Vangie Beal at EcommerceGuide lists options for different categories including hosted storefronts and shopping carts, online auction sites, general marketplaces and free-to-list classified-ad sites.

Hosted storefronts are an easy way to set-up your own Web store and a good option for small or individual sellers who aren’t quite ready to invest in a large ecommerce website. Storefronts — a managed service — make it easy to create and manage a store because you don’t need any HTML or programming skills, and you can customize the storefronts to suite your business needs.

Read the complete article: 10 Easy, Hosted Storefronts and Shopping Carts

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