iPhone and iPad Mobile Security Risk Increases

For years, people who owned Macs reveled (at times smugly) in relative safety from viruses, Trojans and other assorted malware that have plagued PC owners since the dawn of, well, Windows. But the massive popularity of the iPhone and the iPad makes the Apple iOS a large and tempting target. And that puts the millions of people who own those mobile devices at a much greater risk of attack.

Our colleagues at eSecurityPlanet have more information on the mobile security risk and what Apple is doing to address the issue. Just click on the link below to read the full story.

Apple has gone to great lengths to secure its mobile iOS operating system. One of its key approaches is to limit iOS devices to only install apps from the Apple AppStore. In response, the process of jailbreaking iOS devices has emerged in the last several years as a way to get around Apple’s walled garden approach.

As it turns out, a new point and click jailbreaking tool, also exposes a previously unknown flaw in iOS that could expose the tens of millions of Apple iOS users to the risk of a malicious drive-by attack.

Read the complete article: Apple iOS at Risk

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