First Look: Verio WebMail Product Lets Users Retrieve E-mail From Remote PCs

Wayne N. Kawamoto
Managing Editor,

Verio, a global IP solutions provider and wholly-owned subsidiary of NTT Communications Corp.(NTT Com), has launched a new e-mail product that is designed to let businesses retrieve domain-based e-mail remotely, from any computer with Internet access. WebMail is offered as both an add-on to Verio’s UNIX shared Web hosting and e-commerce plans, as well as a standalone product.

For businesses that require a hosted Web site, WebMail is a standard offering bundled with any UNIX shared Web hosting account. Users should be able to retrieve domain-based e-mail from any computer with Internet access simply by using their favorite browser. With Web-based e-mail, customers may get the flexibility to retrieve e-mail any time and anywhere, as well as to continue using their preferred e-mail application on their desktop machine. WebMail provides users of Post Office Protocol (POP) e-mail with a convenient Web interface to send and receive mail from their company e-mail address at no additional charge. WebMail also allows users to create an online address book and customer folders for online e-mail storage to organize virtual communications.

Once an e-mail account is created, Verio’s system should not require any additional configuration to use WebMail. For small businesses without a dedicated IT staff, the WebMail feature makes it easier to manage a number of e-mail accounts all using the same domain name.

E-mail users may also delete large or unwanted attachments before downloading them and the overall interface is designed to be easy to navigate and use. The company says that WebMail incorporates robust security features, and online help and around-the-clock customer service is available.

Verio is also making the Webmail product available as a standalone product that allows companies to establish an Internet presence based on their personalized domain name. This offering, “YourCompany WebMail,” should let companies set up multiple e-mail accounts for employees and retrieve and send messages from any terminal with Internet access and a Web browser.

YourCompany WebMail targets small business customers with a registered domain name who want Internet-based communications but don’t want to manage their own e-mail services. For $10 a month, with a $25 set-up fee, YourCompany WebMail provides customers with a domain-based e-mail address that can support five or more users.

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.

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