The Lenovo 2230x: A Monitor Review

Could you use a bit of respite from that small screen on your notebook or netbook? Consider a large screen monitor to use when you’re not out on the road playing mobile entrepreneur.

Back at the home office, you can plug your notebook computer into a spacious monitor and have the best of both worlds. Our sister site, casts a critical eye on Lenovo’s 2230x monitor. Check out the review for all the details.

Netbooks and mini-notebooks are fine when you’re away from the office, but when you return to the friendly confines of your desk, don’t you feel confined by that little screen? If you do, Lenovo has a slick solution for you. It’s a spacious monitor that connects to a computer through either a USB port or VGA link — and via the former, does double duty as a desktop docking station with three USB 2.0 ports and an Ethernet port.

Read the complete Lenovo monitor review

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