Don’t Miss the Network Boat

by Joey Latimer

Intel Inbusiness Small Office Network
Rating 85

If you’re a startup looking to build a small network in a day, then the Intel InBusiness Small Office Network may be just the solution. The IISON networking package includes a server device and an eight-port hub for shared access to files, printers, and the Internet. The server plugs into the hub, and has both a modem for network-wide Internet access and a printer port for connecting a shared printer.

Our unit included a shareable 13GB hard drive, Microsoft Windows Express Network software for managing the network, and a software firewall for protecting the network from Internet intruders.

There is no mouse, keyboard, or monitor needed with IISON, because the network can be managed from any computer with Web browser, either on the network or from a remote location.

We hooked up three workstations to the IISON hub and a laser printer to the server. Following the Quick Start Guide, we set up a workstation for administrating the network in about 10 minutes. Within half an hour we were connected to the Internet, printing, and transferring files from PCs.

Compared with other Internet appliances we’ve seen, IISON offers far fewer configuration options, but that is also what makes it easier to use. At times, however, we would have liked a little more flexibility. We also found transferring large blocks of files to the server to be slow when using the 10Mbps hub bundled with IISON.

If you already have computers and a printer, and want to get everything networked in one fell swoop, then IISON is a good choice. From there it’s smooth sailing.

Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing Staff
Small Business Computing addresses the technology needs of small businesses, which are defined as businesses with fewer than 500 employees and/or less than $7 million in annual sales.
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