How to Secure Your iPhone

I upgraded last month from Windows 1.0 to Apple’s OS X. OK, I didn’t really, but it sure felt like I did. Transitioning from a Blackberry 8800 to an iPhone 3G felt a big of a leap forward, from a user interface perspective.

But what about the security of my information?

All right, it’s no secret I’ve become an ardent Apple supporter—some might even say “fanboy.” But let’s get past that and take a real look at just how secure this iPhone gizmo is.

My reasons for going through all the hassle associated with switching mobile phone carriers are varied, and I’m completely happy with the choice I made.

But I’m also not so blinded by this game-changing device that I was willing to sacrifice security to use. During the transition, I was very aware of security issues and I always looked into what security choices I could make.

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